Trentham Preschool, Stoke-on-Trent

At Trentham Preschool in Stoke-on-Trent, the team installed a 3.2m x 2.5m Timber Framed Pergola with a Polycarbonate Roof for sheltered outdoor play and a sturdy 1.8m x 1.8m Heavy Duty Timber Storage Shed for all their storage needs.  We also installed a bespoke Play Car, positioned right inside the new trackway, and a cosy Hermit House for imaginative play! Surrounding the Play Car, we laid 65.5m² of MLD Artificial Grass, complete with a 16.5m x 1m Black Artificial Grass Trackway featuring a Zebra Crossing.

Kickstart your playground redevelopment project today and contact Maple Leaf Designs – call us on 01270 253214, or send an email to