St Clare’s RC Primary School, Manchester

St Clare’s RC Primary School in Manchester underwent a Prayer Garden transformation!

The Maple Leaf Designs team carefully designed a bespoke layout to compliment the existing features. We installed a 3.3m x 2.3m Hexagonal Safadeck Deck around to surround the statue in the centre of the garden. Surrounding this, we laid decorative gravel with timber edging.

To provide the children with accessibility to the statue, we installed a Timber Arched Bridge.

Surrounding this area, 2no 1.6m Timer Archways, 6no Timber Uniround Stump Seats and a 2.4m x 1.2m Bespoke Planter with Sensory Herbs and Shrubs were installed.

In the corner of the yard, we installed a Log Cabin. Two Prayer Boards were fitted to the exterior.

Kickstart your playground redevelopment project today and contact Maple Leaf Designs – call us on 01270 253214, or send an email to